Sodium Silicate vs Lithium Silicate

Inside of Concrete Pores

A silicate based concrete sealer is designed to chemically react with free lime and calcium below the surface of the concrete to form Calcium Silicate Hydrate (CSH) within the pores. All silicates product the same CSH structure, regardless of whether it is a sodium silicate or lithium silicate. There are a few differences between the two which become important during application:

  • Lithium silicates have an easier time penetrating through dense surfaces. If you have trowel finished concrete you will have less of a chance of crystals forming on the surface if a lithium silicate is used.
  • Lithium silicates react faster. While the CSH structure formed is identical, lithium silicates tend to react faster than sodium silicates.

Best Lithium Silicate Concrete Densifiers

Sodium silicate concrete sealers and lithium silicate concrete sealers are often used in waterproofing applications to reduce pore size in basement floors and walls. While many manufacturer compete by offering a higher warranty, there are a few things to consider before paying more:

  • The CSH formed from sodium and lithium silicates is permanent and can only be removed when the concrete itself is removed. It doesn’t matter if you buy it from Manufacturer A or Manufacturer B, concentrated or diluted, the CSH won’t break down. Silicates are simply used to spark a chemical reaction, but once the chemical reaction takes place, there is no sealer left.
  • The size of the CSH structure formed can’t be predicted, measured, or controlled. The size of the CSH structure depends on several factors including the size of the pore, the PH of the concrete, the amount of material applied, the amount of free lime and calcium present in the concrete, the density of the concrete, the amount of water or moisture present during application, whether the concrete has ever been sealed, and other factors.
  • The primary uses of a silicate should be to increase the strength of the concrete and to increase the density. Weak or dusting concrete, or concrete polishing applications are very popular applications for silicates. While silicates can be used to reduce porosity in a basement application, other products may be required to reduce more than 3 LBs of moisture. Silicate sealers are also not an effective way to reduce Radon.

Best Sodium Silicate Concrete Densifiers


Author: admin